
As a provider of ICT systems, we offer many products from reputable manufacturers. We implement projects whose elements are solutions available or unavailable on the Polish market. The largest part of our offer is software. We offer hundreds of different types of licenses, making us able to meet the needs of most customers in terms of quality and relevance of solutions. Along with the delivery of systems and products, we provide implementation, consulting and technical support services. We provide first and second line support for more advanced and mission-critical solutions to fulfill their role in the customer's infrastructure. Recipients of these services require an appropriate level of expertise, rapid diagnosis of the problem and quick response to any failure.

If needed, we also offer service and maintenance contracts for IT systems.

The scope of the contract includes supervision of:

  • Network switches and routers
    Wireless networks
  • Software that monitors and accounts for printing and copies
  • Helpdesk & Workspace Software
  • Document support software
  • Software to monitor and protect IT assets