Gimmal Discover
Gimmal Discover simplifies ediscovery and data management
Locate, classify and manage data to mitigate privacy risks and protect sensitive information for regulatory purposes such as CCPA and RODO or eDiscovery requests.
Gimmal Discover works with content in a variety of corporate data sources, including local workstations, file shares, PST files, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, Box, Google Workspace and more.Locate hidden threats in your data sources
When personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive data is not managed, it can be lost in data sources, posing serious privacy or compliance risks.
Gimmal Discover mitigates the risk by locating files containing sensitive information and providing a way to limit them. Legal teams can also benefit by taking advantage of Discover’s powerful built-in eDiscovery features. Once located, Gimmal Discover can apply classification categories that help control content according to your organization’s information management standards.
Gimmal Discover
A data management tool that ensures compliance, minimizes risk and creates a secure environment by quickly locating, identifying infringing content and detecting confidential information within the company, supported by cyclical reports.
Easily locate and create data from a variety of sources for regulatory compliance, litigation or investigations.
Pinpoint content that could put your company at risk of violating the CCPA, RODO or other regulatory requirements.
Detect sensitive information across the enterprise to ensure proper data management.
Run recurring reports to make sure your information is always secure.
Get enterprise-wide data oversight
Find relevant information for litigation or internal investigations, conduct first-pass verification, and alert caregivers to their responsibility for litigation.
Scan data sources to search and gather information based on relevant content.
Analyze content to locate files at risk of noncompliance or files ready for review.
Apply content-based classification tags to track information that may be confidential or sensitive...
Create rules to consistently manage data with structured workflows.
Manage unstructured data by creating detailed reports that improve organizational efficiency.