
Every company, regardless of its size or industry, uses a variety of software – from operating systems to office programs to specialized applications tailored to the needs of a particular business. Choosing the right software license is a key aspect of IT management that affects a company’s legality, costs and operational security.

Inappropriate license choices can lead to serious legal and financial consequences, such as fines for using illegal copies of programs or limited functionality of systems. It is equally important to ensure compliance with legal regulations, such as RODO or internal IT security policies.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of software licenses, key aspects of purchasing software for your business, and best practices to help avoid problems associated with improper use of business applications.

Key findings

  • Choosing the right software license affects the cost, legality and usability of programs in a company.
  • There are various licensing models, including single-user, OEM, subscription and open-source licenses.
  • Illegal use of the software can result in heavy fines and legal problems.
  • RamsData offers professional consulting on software licensing for businesses.
  • It is important to regularly audit your licenses to avoid problems associated with outdated or illegal copies of programs.

Table of contents

  1. Types of software licenses
  2. What to look for when choosing a license for a company?
  3. Benefits of legal software
  4. The most common mistakes when buying software licenses
  5. How to avoid legal problems related to software?
  6. Best practices for IT license management
  7. Frequently asked questions

Types of software licenses

Choosing the right license is crucial for the legal and effective use of software in a company. Depending on your needs, different licensing models are available:

  • Single-station license – allows installation of the program on a single device.
  • OEM license – assigned to a specific hardware, not transferable to another device.
  • Subscription license (SaaS) – a subscription model that allows access to software in the cloud.
  • Perpetual license – a one-time payment for the software, with no need to renew subscriptions.
  • Open-source license – free software that can be modified and customized to suit your needs.

What to look for when choosing a license for a company?

When purchasing a software license, there are a few key aspects to pay attention to:

  1. Cost – is it more cost-effective to purchase a one-time license or a subscription model?
  2. Scope of use – does the license allow installation on multiple devices?
  3. Upgradability – are software updates included in the price?
  4. Security – does the software meet IT security requirements and comply with regulations?
  5. Technical support – does the vendor offer support for problems with the use of the software?

Benefits of legal software

  • Avoiding legal problems – using legal licenses eliminates the risk of financial penalties for piracy.
  • IT security – updated and legitimate software is less vulnerable to cyberattacks.
  • Technical support – legitimate programs usually come with professional manufacturer support.
  • Full functionality – illegal copies often have limited functionality.

The most common mistakes when buying software licenses

  • Buying the wrong license model – such as choosing OEM when the company plans to change hardware.
  • Lack of control over the number of licenses – many companies do not monitor their licenses, leading to excessive costs.
  • Using outdated licenses – can result in security vulnerabilities and lack of technical support.

How to avoid legal problems related to software?

  1. Purchase licenses only from trusted vendors – such as. RamsData.
  2. Carefully analyze license agreements – check the scope of use and terms of license transfer.
  3. Regularly audit your licenses – monitor whether all software in your company is legal and up-to-date.

Best practices for IT license management

  • Using license management software – tools such as CheckMK help you monitor the legality of the software you use.
  • Create a software management policy – determine what programs are allowed to be used in the company.
  • Assign responsibility for IT licenses – designate a person or department responsible for controlling the licenses held.

Frequently asked questions

Can an OEM license be transferred to a new computer?

No, the OEM license is assigned to a specific hardware and cannot be legally transferred to another device.

Is it worth choosing subscription licenses over one-time licenses?

It depends on the needs of the company. Subscription provides ongoing updates and support, but incurs recurring costs.

How to check if a company is using legitimate software?

The best way is to conduct an IT audit and use license monitoring tools such as CheckMK.

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