
Protecting the entry point with OPSWAT

ochrona punktu wejścia z OPSWAT

In the digital age, IT security is becoming increasingly complex and demanding. Cybercriminals are getting more and more sophisticated, and their attack methods are evolving every day. Therefore, it is critical that organizations effectively protect their entry points, which are often the target of attacks. OPSWAT offers advanced solutions to help secure these key points. […]

Unchanging Records vs. Preservation Copies

Niezmienne Rekordy vs. Kopie Zachowawcze

In the world of data storage, two technologies stand out as key to ensuring information integrity and security: immutable records and retention copies. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two approaches, discuss their applications and the benefits they can bring to various sectors, including IT, finance and document management. Unchanging Records […]

Mitigating Volt Typhoon Attacks with Certes Networks.

Łagodzenie Ataków

In today’s digitally advanced world, cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect. One such advanced threat is the Volt Typhoon attacks. Certes Networks has developed a number of solutions to mitigate the effects of these attacks. In this article, we will discuss what Volt Typhoon attacks are, what threats they pose, and […]

Risk assessment in the retail industry – Pepco phishing incident

Ocena ryzyka w branży detalicznej -incydent phishingowy Pepco.jpg

In the retail industry, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. The phishing incident that affected Pepco is an example of how serious the consequences of such attacks can be. In this article, we will discuss how to assess the risk of phishing incidents, what challenges the retail industry faces, and what measures can be taken to […]

Network traffic analysis with Checkmk

Analiza ruchu sieciowego

Today, managing network traffic is a key element in maintaining the security and performance of corporate networks. Checkmk is an IT infrastructure monitoring tool that offers advanced network traffic analysis features. In this article, we’ll look at how to use Checkmk to analyze network traffic, the benefits of doing so, and the steps you should […]

Zero Trust philosophy for the enterprise cloud

Filozofia Zero Trust dla chmury korporacyjnej

In today’s digital world, where cyber threats are evolving every day, ensuring data security is becoming crucial for any organization. The Zero Trust philosophy of a “trust no one” approach is gaining traction in the context of the enterprise cloud. In this article, we’ll explore how a Zero Trust strategy can be implemented in the […]

F5 BIG-IP integration with OPSWAT MetaDefender

Integracja F5 BIG-IP z OPSWAT MetaDefender

Nowadays, cyber security is becoming increasingly complex and critical for companiesWorldwide. In fact, integrating different security technologies can significantly increase the level of protection. In this article, we will discuss how the integration of F5 BIG-IP with OPSWAT MetaDefender can help you tosecuring networks and applications, providing a multi-layered approach to protection. F5 BIG-IP integration […]

Working on projects with ClickUP Brain

Praca nad projektami

Working on projects with ClickUP Brain ClickUp is a comprehensive project management platform that makes it easy to organize tasks, prioritize responsibilities and track work progress. One of its key features is ClickUp Brain, an advanced AI tool that significantly improves business processes. In this comprehensive analysis, we take a look at how ClickUp Brain […]

Improve group communication with ClikUP

popraw komunikację grupową

Improve group communication with ClikUP Improve group communication with ClikUP. Effective team communication is key to the success of any organization. In today’s dynamic business world, where teams are often dispersed and projects require close collaboration, we need tools that facilitate the seamless exchange of information and ideas. ClikUP is an advanced communication platform that […]