
Cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated, and organizations must look for innovative solutions to protect their systems. One such solution is CDR technology (Content Disarm and Reconstruction). With CDR, files are analyzed and any potential threats are neutralized before they enter a company’s infrastructure. Here are five ways CDR technology can help prevent cyber attacks. Ways to prevent cyber attacks with CDR technology.

Table of Contents:

  1. Preventing Zero-Day Attacks.
  2. Sanitization of e-mail attachments
  3. Secure downloads from the Internet
  4. Protection against hidden malware
  5. Secure document sharing
  6. Frequently asked questions

Preventing Zero-Day Attacks.

Zero-Day attacks are a particularly dangerous form of cyber threats because they rely on exploiting security vulnerabilities that have not yet been discovered or patched by software vendors. Traditional protection methods, such as antivirus programs, can be ineffective against this type of attack because they rely on known malware signatures.

Ways to prevent cyber attacks

How does CDR technology protect against Zero-Day attacks?

CDR technology neutralizes threats, analyzing files at the structural level. Files are broken down into their basic elements, and potential threats are removed before the file is reassembled in a secure form. This approach eliminates threats even when they are not yet identified.

  • CDR operates in real time, allowing it to neutralize threats quickly and effectively.
  • Threat neutralization is done automatically, without the need to manually review files.

Sanitization of e-mail attachments

Emails are one of the most common sources of cyber attacks. Malicious attachments can contain hidden malware that infects systems when opened. Traditional antivirus programs may not always be able to detect all threats, especially in the case of new, previously unknown malware.

How does the CDR help protect attachments?

CDR technology analyzes and sanitizes attachments, removing any potentially dangerous elements from them. Even if the attachment contains malicious code, CDR neutralizes the threat, transforming the file into a version that is free of any threats, but still usable by the recipient.

  • PDF, DOCX, XLSX files are among the most commonly used formats by cybercriminals, and CDR effectively protects these file types.
  • Sanitization is done without loss of file functionality, which means the user gets a fully secure document ready for use.

Secure downloads from the Internet

Downloading files from the Internet carries the risk of introducing dangerous files containing malware into the system. When downloading files from unknown sources, the risk increases because the files can easily be modified to hide malware.

Protection when downloading files via CDR

CDR uses technology that automatically analyzes and sanitizes files downloaded from the Internet before they are stored on the user’s disk. This process removes malicious components such as macros, scripts and other items that may contain malware.

  • CDR provides protection against drive-by-download attacks, in which malware is downloaded without the user’s knowledge.
  • It neutralizes threats from popular file formats such as ZIP, RAR, PDF, Office, and many others.

Protection against hidden malware

Today’s cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and can hide inside complex file structures, such as nested archives or complicated macros in office documents. Traditional security software is not always able to detect these threats.

How does CDR protect against stealth malware?

CDR technology works by restoring files. This means that each file is carefully decomposed into its components and then reassembled from scratch, eliminating all elements that may pose a threat.

  • CDR analyzes every element of the file and will remove any suspicious parts, such as macros, active scripts or embedded objects.
  • It is particularly effective at eliminating threats hidden in nested files, which are often overlooked by other protection technologies.

Secure document sharing

Sharing documents is a key part of work in most companies, but at the same time it can pose a serious security risk. Documents sent between employees or customers can easily be modified to contain malicious code that infects the recipient’s system when the document is opened.

How does CDR support secure sharing?

Thanks to technology Deep CDR from OPSWAT, companies securely share documents without the risk of them becoming infected with malware. CDR sanitizes files before they are shared, so every version of a file is safe.

  • The protection covers all popular document formats, including PDF, DOCX, PPTX and XLSX.
  • CDR neutralizes the risks associated with attachments sent via e-mail, on file-sharing platforms and in document management systems.

Frequently asked questions

1. what is CDR technology?
CDR (Content Disarm and Reconstruction) technology is a threat protection method that analyzes and rebuilds files to remove any potential threats, such as malware or malicious scripts.

2. does CDR technology affect the functionality of the files?
No, CDR technology ensures that the files are safe, but retain their original functionality. Once rebuilt, the files function just like the original ones, but without the risk of being associated with malware.

3. in what cases is the CDR most useful?
CDR is particularly effective in protecting against Zero-Day attacks, sanitizing e-mail attachments, secure downloads from the Internet, and in situations where there is a risk of hidden malware.

4. is CDR replacing traditional antivirus software?
CDR is a complementary technology to antivirus software. While antiviruses rely on detecting known threats, CDR neutralizes even those threats that are unknown and undetectable.

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